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Implementing Agency: IT Division, Department of Planning, MAF


IWMU develop the Integrated Watershed Management Planning for distinguished Agro-ecological Zones and supporting the local authorities in integrating the Watershed management plans to the local economic development plans including the Agriculture development plans. 


Nam ngum watershed is defined to 23 sub watersheds. IWMU had produced the sub watershed profiles as the basic infomration for the Watershed Development Plans. 


The land zoning maps are produced for the disrticts in the Nam Num Watersheds to guide the land use planning for the Kum Ban (Village groups), Commuities, Villages and land allocations for the families. 


The IWMU is implemented by the IT Division under the Department of Planning and Coordination of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 



Component 2  Integrated Watershed  Management Unit 

Component Coordinator: Mr. Alounxay Onta 


Tel: +8562022333131

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