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The Project important events are listed here and updated weekly. 

Project Performance Award 2012-13

Project had received the best Performance Project Award 2012-13 on 22nd May 2014. This award was awarded jointly by the Ministyr of Planning and Investment and ADB to the best Project team selected from the ADB Projects operating in Laos. There are more than 40 ADB finaced projects in Laos. 

Project Six-Monthly Review Workshop 2013-2014 at DAEC

The Mid Year project review workshop was conducted on 29 April at the Department of Agriculture Extension and Cooperative Office. The meeting reviewed the performance of the proejct componests for the first half of the fiscal year 2013-14 and review the budget and work plan for the remaining period of the fiscal year. 

Friendship Football Match 

The friendship football match was organized on 31 May between the Ministry of Finance team and the Project team. The Ministry of Finance team defeated the Project team by 3:0. The Project team must improve to challenge the MOF team for next round. 

Intensive Rice Technology (SRI) in Pek District

The Intensicve Rice technologies had helped the farmers to reached the rice yields of 5 tons per ha in Pek district, jumped from the traditional yield of 2-3 tons per ha. The activity is expanding to the farmers rapidly. Project had organized mass SRI tranplanting in Phan Agriculture station and their client villages on 12 June 2014. 

Saving and Credit Union Training 

The project staffs joined the Credit Union Training conducted by the Bank of Lao in Luangprabang in September. Project has supporting 16 districts in establishing the Credit Unions by combining the project established the VIllage developnent funds with total amount of over 1 million US$.
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