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Agriculture and Livelihood Development Component supports the Agriculture extension training and demonstration activities of the 23 Agriculture Stations located in 10 districts, three provinces covering the agriculture extension activities of more than 230 villages.
This component comprises of Agriculture Development, Livestock and veterinary service development, Land use planning, Micro finance, Capacity building and Infrastructure Activities.

The Agriculture development activities:
Rive yield improvement through applying the proper agriculture techniques and improved rice seeds.
Fruit tree plantation of both tropic and sub tropic fruit trees and nut trees.
Organic Vegetable production in both rainy season and dry season.
Non timber forest domestication of rattan, broom grass, forest galangal, elephant yams, etc.


Livcstock development activities

Strengthening the village veterinary services by training the village veterinary workers, provide the veterinary kits and improve the vaccine cold chain system.
Promote the livestock production (rudiment animals, small animals) through the assistance of the Micro finance (village development fund).
Extend the Fodder grass production through training and fodder grass seed production.

Land use planning and Land allocation
In accordance with the Watershed management development plan, carry out village level land zoning and family level land allocation by produce the Temporary land use certificates, coordinating with the Land tile offices for producing of the permanent land titles to the project farmers.


Micro finance:The Micro finance component continue the sustainability support to the Village development revolving funds established by the predecessor project NNRBDSP in 10 districts, total amount of 7.8 billion kips through training the VDRF groups to become the Credit Union (as per the Micro finance Decree October 2012) and to register formally with the Bank of Lao, while expanding the VDRF to 900 recipients.  70% of the loans are for the Agriculture production, the rest are for the no agriculture production and petty trading.


Capacity building and Infrastructure Activities
Construction of 6 access roads (50 Kms n total)
Construction and renovation of 4 Irrigation schemes
Construction of 14 Water supply schemes and
Renovation of the 23 Agriculture stations
80% of them have been completed by the end of August 2013. 

Component 3 Agriculture Extension

Component Coordinator: Mr. Sengthong Phuangkhamevang

Tel: 55497237

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